Are you applying for jobs and not getting any response even though you have the experience? You might want to check for resume and cover letter mistakes that can be hidden.

Resume And Cover Letter Mistakes

Here are some common mistakes to avoid on both resumes and cover letters:

Proofread fails
Grammar and spelling errors are immediate red flags. Don’t get caught looking unprofessional with sloppy mistakes or poor grammar. Proofreading is a must for success. Having a grammatically correct resume and/or cover letter speaks volumes about attention to detail and communication skills.

To correctly proofread, print the documents and read them out loud, this way you know how it sounds to someone else reading it. We often overlook our own mistakes so it’s also a good idea to get a second set of eyes. In a survey from 2013, 58% of hiring managers say on of the main reasons they rejected applications is because of typos, so do yourself the favor or proofreading!


The average length for both cover letters and resumes should be no more than one page. Most hiring managers agree that if your documents are more than one page, they are too long.

Remember, resumes don’t have to document your whole career history, it should be used as a marketing document to showcase relevant skills and experience for the position your applying to.


Focusing on the wrong details
Use these documents, especially cover letters, to highlight success. Be as specific as you can by showcasing accomplishments rather than just job duties.


Forgetting to tailor
Using the same documents for each job application will hurt your chances. Tailor resumes and cover letters to the job you’re applying for. Employers want to know you’re targeting them, so they expect you to show how you will be a good fit to the organization.


Formatting issues
Just like sloppy handwriting, bad formatting shows a lack of attention to detail and professionalism. Don’t apply too many graphics, fonts or other details to distract from what is important, your experience and why you would be a good fit.


Failure to Hook Reader
Don’t forget to catch the readers attention with a “lede.” Both documents should have  a similar hook so it’s consistent throughout. Use this opportunity to stand out from the rest of the applicants by grabbing the attention of hiring managers.