Business Job Interview. HR And Resume Of Applicant On Table. Royalty Free Stock Images - 95462049


The good news: Most job seekers vastly underestimate how much power their resume has in shaping the hiring process. How you’re perceived, how difficult of an interview process you have, and yes, how big of an initial offer you get are hugely dependent on what information you provide to an employer, and how accurately you address their pain points.
The bad news: Most have no idea how to pull the right levers on the resume to make this happen. But you will.
1) Does not speak to the job requirements. Simply put, the days of the generic resume are long gone. Read the job requirements the employer provides and identify those skill sets that you have that fit them directly.
2) Too Many “Red Flag” Qualifiers. Be very careful about trying to make up for a lack of experience by using qualifiers such as “with knowledge of” or “gained exposure to”. Hiring managers are trained to pick up on these terms, and treat them as potential vulnerabilities.
3) Inconsistent Dates. You need to be sure about making sure your timeline is correct, and completely accounted for. Zero excuses here! Don’t try to hide gaps by listing dates that are year only-hiring managers are trained to spot this.
4) Seniority Regression. Be careful about applying for a position that is a step down in seniority without an explanation of why you are willing to make the change. If you switched industries or fields, and the job descriptions differ, make this clear.
5) Online Presence does not Support the Resume. Be sure that all of your platforms whether it is LinkedIn, your resume and all social media platforms.
6) Wrong time. The “tone” of a resume refers to the level you need to come in at. A chief financial officer is going to frame the ideas and accomplishments in his resume from a different POV than a finance manager.
You get one chance to make your case to a Hiring Manager. Make sure you do your best. Good luck.
For more details, see the article at Fast Company.

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