Top 10 Resume Tips

It is a well-known fact that human resource managers spend 10-15 seconds reviewing a resume.  Here are some resume tips that may make your resume the one that they consider. Remember you are marketing yourself through your resume.

  • Keep it Professional

Your resume is a professional document so keep it clean. Do not include a picture or unnecessary information. Keep it professional.

  • Make it targeted

The more targeted your resume is to the position you are applying for, the more likely it will be read and you can land that all-important interview.

  • Make sure it is well written

A well written resume speaks volumes about your focus and will make an immediate impression versus a long winded overwhelming resume.

  • Self- Promote

Your resume is a marketing tool. Promote and sell yourself!

  • Make it Tailored

Every Job is different. Tailor your resume to the position you are applying for. A blanket resume does not get read.

  • Remember: Quality over Quantity

Your resume is not your life story. Stick to relevant facts.

  • Keep it Simple

No fancy fonts, colors or italics. Your resume is not a work of art and many scanning software’s will not be able to read it if it is too “fancy”.

  • Have Correct Spelling/Grammar/Punctuation

Use spell and grammar check and reread your resume and have someone else read it to be sure there are no errors.

  • Keep it Consistent

Be sure your resume is written in a logical and easy to read manner. Be consistent with margins, line spacing.

  • Don’t Mention Money

Unless you are asked about money, do not mention it.

For a more detailed discussion, read the discussion at

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