Tips To Maintain Job Skills While Unemployed

Work hiatuses happen for a number of reasons during a career, but how do you keep your skills up-to-date when you’re on a break? Whether you’re a stay at home parent or have been laid off, there are tips and tricks to maintain job skills while unemployed.

Tips to maintain job skills while unemployed

A great way to keep busy and up-to-date is to enhance your online presence. With more time on your hands, it’s an opportunity to revamp your LinkedIn profile, create or update your professional website, and review and edit social profiles. Become more active within your networks. From social media, blogging, and LinkedIn groups, get involved in areas pertaining to your career path.

Networking is valuable to any job seeker because it can open doors you might not have thought of. Start reconnecting with former colleagues while reaching out to new contacts in your field. Networking events is another way to get yourself in front of people in your field. Take time to put yourself out there for the world to see. Don’t forget to follow up!

Taking a class, watching tutorials or enrolling in school is a great opportunity to not only keep skills fresh but learn new skills to add to your resume. When deciding on which route to take, keep the focus on your career aspirations so you learn valuable skills and maintain the ones you currently have that are important to your field.

If you’re looking to keep some money flowing in the bank account, freelancing is a great option. Not only does it keep your skills up-to-date, but you can build clients, strengthen experience, and boost your confidence while looking for the right job. You might even discover that freelancing is all you need to be happy and support your household.

Volunteering can be a great opportunity for many reasons. Besides giving you something to do, if you are strategic about it, it’s a great thing to add to your resume. It can also be deeply rewarding to know you’re doing something good for others.

Unemployment can be difficult to work through especially if it’s unexpected. But, these tips will help you maintain job skills and your mental health to ensure you don’t lose valuable factors that make you hirable.